Rose Perfume Oil - Natural Rose Perfume
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Rose Perfume |
3 ml Rose Perfume Oil |
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Rose Perfume |
3 ml Jasmine Perfume Oil |
Roses are not just flowers but the perfect paradigm of spellbinding natural beauty! For their unsurpassed beauteousness and fragrance, they are symbolized for the truest Love and Purity!
Over the history, roses along with their irresistible charm have been serving mankind’s various purposes! Whether be expressing emotions, moods or heeling the body or enhancing the physical beauty; uses of roses are vast as oceans.
Roses: A Glorious History
Fossils tell that roses are with us since 35million years. Ancient myths like in Greek and Romans have glorified rose as the eternal beauty and divine for its mesmerizing fragrances. Later, roses became part of culture and day to day activities. In Europe, different shades of roses became symbols for different emotions and gestures.
White for peace, yellow for friendship, red for love, black for morning and much more! Most of the festivals and rituals were incomplete without the roses. Rose water and their attars were symbols of royalty and elegance and were exclusive to high class of the society.
Apart from Europe, roses find their places in China, East Asia and US as well. Who can forget the great Mughals for their everlasting love for roses! They made Mughal Garden in the honor of the great flower “Rose”.
Roses: Human Behavior
Humans have been using rose for expressing gestures and in times when they lacked words! The very common uses of roses have been in saying I Love You. Women just can’t ignore the roses and its enamoring presence. Affection, apologies, romance, desires and many more, roses were the prime language to show them. Rose perfumes, Rose oils, Attars and their fragrances are greatly used for attracting the opposite sex. The seducing affects of Rose fragrances are simply over-the-top.
Roses: Flower for Health
Rose waters, Rose oils, Rosehips and other rose products are highly valued for their medical importance. Rose fragrances and oils revitalize the human body and minds. Their wonderful fragrance refreshes the minds and calms the nerve-flows. Problems related to skin, liver, female reproductions, menstruations can be cured and minimized by the roses. It also increases bile productions and acts a tonic for kidneys.
In aromatherapy, rose water and attars are mostly used. Rose oils really help in getting back and restoring energy for the human body. Couple lacking sexual desires can use rose fragrances and have wonderful bed times.
In times of depression and dullness, rose oils can help in bringing one in the positive fronts of life.
Roses: For Captivating Beauty
Since ages, roses have been used to enhance the looks of the body! Rose waters are perfect solutions in bringing glaze on to the skin and body. With rose moisturizers, soaps, perfumes and oils you can add a lot to the looks of yours. Dull skin, loose skin, wrinkles; roses are the perfect malady for them! Apart from face, rose water and oils also works in other parts of the body as well. That is why; roses are regarded for their cleansing affects. Most of the beauty experts suggest rose and its products for safer and better beauty treatments!
Roses: Scores of Usage
As already mentioned, roses are used for thousands of reasons. For health, beauty, emotions rose and its products are used for almost everything in the world. Attars made up of essential oils are highly demanded worldwide. Other cosmetic things like creams, soaps, gels, moisturizers and much more things are made by rose and its constituents. After all, rose fragrance is something that everyone in this planet loves.